Today, Monday (11.10.2021), we conducted an interview with the Vice President for Teaching and Learning at the TU Ilmenau, Professor Anja Geigenmüller about the auditorium pass.
And why has it now become a piece of paper?
For those who may not have seen it yet: How do I get this auditorium pass?
But the whole thing is only running this week. Where should I go, for example, if I have not reached my full vaccination protection for a few weeks? That must then also be entered.
There was a lot of discussion about a wording in the mail. Some people read out that it is a misdemeanor if you do not have your auditorium pass with you, even if you now have a digital vaccination certificate, for example.
Okay, then of course that's something else. Then we'll be curious to see how that works out.
That was a nice statement at the end, and we hope so too. Because in the end, no one wants to stand in front of the lecture hall in a queue forever.
Thank you very much, Prof. Geigenmüller!